Description of the collections: Difference between revisions

From Clavis Canonum
(→‎Collections not yet in database (A-Z): added Collectio Admontensis)
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# [[Codex epistolaris Carolinus]]
# [[Codex epistolaris Carolinus]]
# [[Collectio ‘concilii secundi Arelatensis’]]
# [[Collectio ‘concilii secundi Arelatensis’]]
# [[Collectio Admontensis]]
# [[Collectio Albigensis]]
# [[Collectio Albigensis]]
# [[Collectio Arelatensis]] (Liber auctoritatum ecclesiae Arelatensis)
# [[Collectio Arelatensis]] (Liber auctoritatum ecclesiae Arelatensis)

Revision as of 17:40, 6 July 2024

Here you can find the descriptions of all collections contained in the database. The backbone of this part of the wiki is a digitized version of Linda Fowler-Magerl, Clavis Canonum. Selected Canon Law Collections Before 1140: Access with Data Processing (MGH Hilfsmittel 21, 2005). Most entries covering several collections have been split into individual entries, but the old headings have been preserved (e.g. "The Dionysiana"; for background, see Category:Descriptions that need to be split).

The table of content below largely mirrors the structure of the Clavis manual, with additional collections not in the book added at the end (only a few are inserted where they chronogically belong). For an overview of all collections, have a look at the Category:Collection.

But note: This is an evolving page. While this section started with a verbatim copy of Linda's book, some passages have been (sometimes heavily) modified, some articles on multiple collection have been split, and some articles were added as new collections were fed into the database. If you need to quote the original book, please refer to the digitized exemplar found here and not the text found in this wiki.

The collections (as found in the 2005 Clavis handbook)

Late Antiquity

Early Middle Ages (7th-10th c.)

High Middle Ages (11th and 12th c.)

New collections

New collections already in database

  1. Gratian, Concordia discordantium canonum (ed. Friedberg; GR)
  2. The florilegium in Montecassino MS 372 (SG)
  3. The Collectio Francofurtana (ed. Drossbach; FM)
  4. Pseudo-Isidorus receptus (ed. Fuhrmann; IR)
  5. The Collectio Sangermanensis XXI titulorum (ed. Stadelmaier; SG)

Collections not yet in database (A-Z)

  1. Abbo of Fleury, Epistola XIV (mentioned in the book, but not the database)
  2. Abelard, Sic et non
  3. Admonitio synodalis
  4. Alger of Liège, De misericordia et iustitia
  5. Argrim Dossier in Paris, BnF, lat. 2449 etc.
  6. Breviarium ad inquaerendum sententias infra
  7. Breviarium extravagantium
  8. Candela Gerlandi of Gerland of Besançon
  9. Capitula de villa Noviliaco ('CN')
  10. Codex Encyclius
  11. Codex epistolaris Carolinus
  12. Collectio ‘concilii secundi Arelatensis’
  13. Collectio Admontensis
  14. Collectio Albigensis
  15. Collectio Arelatensis (Liber auctoritatum ecclesiae Arelatensis)
  16. Collectio Audomariensis or Collection of Saint-Omer ('OM')
  17. Collectio Augustana
  18. Collectio Avellana
  19. Collectio Bellovacensis
  20. Collectio Bernensis
  21. Collectio Berolinensis (6th century, ed. Schwarz), not to be confused with other Berolinenses including:
  22. Collectio Berolinensis I in Berlin, Staatsbibliothek, Phill. 1742, fols. 287r–289r (13th c.)
  23. Collectio Berolinensis II in Berlin, Staatsbibliothek, lat. fol. 306, fol. 1r-13r.
  24. Collectio Bigotiana in Paris, BnF, lat. 2796
  25. Collectio Bobbiensis in Milano, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, C. 238 inf.
  26. Collectio Burgundiana (in Bruxelles, KBR, 8780-93)
  27. Collectio canonum in Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 442 ('CF')
  28. Collectio canonum in Göttweig, Stiftsbibliothek, 53 (56)
  29. Collectio canonum in München, BSB, Clm 16085
  30. Collectio canonum in Paris, BnF, lat. 4280
  31. Collectio canonum in Roma, Biblioteca Angelica, Cod. 1447
  32. Collectio canonum in Roma, Vallicelliana, A.18
  33. Collectio canonum in St. Paul im Lavanttal, Stiftsbibliothek, 24/1
  34. Collectio canonum in Vat. lat. 7828
  35. Collectio canonum in Verona, BC, LIX (57).
  36. Collectio canonum in Verona, BC, LVII (55).
  37. Collectio canonum in Verona, BC, LX (58).
  38. Collectio canonum in Verona, BC, LXIII (61)
  39. Collectio CCCC capitulorum
  40. Collectio CCCCLII capitulorum in Vallicelliana, Tomus XVIII
  41. Collectio CCXXXIII capitulorum in Wolfenbüttel, HAB, Cod. Guelf. 454 Helmst.
  42. Collectio Colbertina
  43. Collectio Coloniensis
  44. Collectio Corbeiensis
  45. Collectio Corbeiensis systematica
  46. Collectio CXXXVI capitulorum in Paris, BnF, lat. 3871
  47. Collectio Diessensis in München, BSB, Clm 5541
  48. Collectio diversarum sententiarum in Berlin, SBPL, Phil. 1764
  49. Collectio Frisingensis I
  50. Collectio Grimanica
  51. Collectio Hadriano-Hispanica
  52. Collectio Iustelliana
  53. Collectio Laureshamensis in Pal. lat. 574 (etc.)
  54. Collectio LIII titulorum (see Kéry, Collections pp. 167)
  55. Collectio Lugdunensis
  56. Collectio Mutinensis
  57. Collectio Novariensis concilii Chalcedonensis‎
  58. Collectio Pithouensis
  59. Collectio Quesnelliana
  60. Collectio Ratisbonensis in München, BSB, Clm 14540 and Wien, ÖNB, Cod. 829.
  61. Collectio Remensis in Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1743
  62. Collectio Salisburgensis in Wien, ÖNB, Cod. 489.
  63. Collectio Salisburgensis
  64. Collectio Sanblasiana (aka Collectio Italica)
  65. Collectio Sancti Amandi
  66. Collectio Sancti Mauri
  67. Collectio Sangermanensis in Paris, BnF, lat. 12097 edited by Eduard Schwartz (not to be confused with any other Collectio Sangermanensis)
  68. Collectio Taurinensis (see Torino, BNU, E. V. 44)
  69. Collectio Teatina
  70. Collectio Theodosii diaconi
  71. Collectio Thessalonicensis in Vat. lat. 5751
  72. Collectio Tuberiensis
  73. Collectio Turonensis
  74. Collectio Vaticana in Vat. lat. 1342 and other mss
  75. Collectio Veronensis in Verona, BC, XXII (20) (6th century) ed Schwartz, not to be confused with any of the other Collectiones Veronenses
  76. Collectio Weingartensis
  77. Collectio Weissenburgensis in Reg. lat. 423
  78. Collectio XCI capitulorum
  79. Collectio XCVIII capitulorum
  80. Collectio XXX capitulorum (De ratione matrimonii)
  81. Collectio XXX capitulorum in Paris, BnF, lat. 3871
  82. Corpus canonum Africano-Romanum‎, the collection behind Frisingensis prima and Wirceburgensis
  83. Cresconius Gallicus‎
  84. De accusatione episcopi
  85. Epitome Hadriani (not in Kéry)
  86. Error series
  87. Excerpta Antwerpensia
  88. Excerpta Hispana
  89. Florilegium in New Haven, Yale University, Beinecke Library, 442
  90. Florilegium in Reims, BM, 15 ('RF')
  91. Fragmentum Nonantulanum in Vat. lat. 10802
  92. Freising collection of canonical materials used for the Collectio XII partium. Not to be confused with the Collectio Frisingensis prima or secunda).
  93. Hildesheim Excerpts
  94. Mare vitreum
  95. Martinus of Braga, Capitula
  96. Placidus of Nonantola, Liber de honore ecclesiae
  97. Registri Ecclesiae Carthaginensis Excerpta
  98. Sententiae Bonifatii Palatinae associated with Saint Boniface
  99. Sententiae Sidonis
  100. Statuta ecclesiae antiqua (ed. Munier)
  101. Synodicon Casinense
  102. Tractatus de sacrilegiis
  103. Tabulae Hispanae
  104. Collectio Fiscanensis (?) in Paris, BnF, lat. 3182 (Maassen p. 784: "Sammlung der Handschrift von Fécamp")

See also

See also the Category:Collection which effectively will replace the old table of contents.