Collectio Herovalliana
Title | Collectio Herovalliana |
Key | HV |
Size | Medium (500 to 1000 canons) |
Terminus post quem | 750 |
Terminus ante quem | 800 |
Century | saec. VIII |
European region of origin | Southern France |
General region of origin | Southern Europe and Mediterranean |
Main author | Linda Fowler-Magerl |
The Collectio Herovalliana belongs to a number of chronologically arranged collections compiled in Gaul in the sixth and seventh centuries, particularly in the south – at Arles, in the Rhône Valley and at Lyon. Of major significance is their transmission of Gallic councils.
The Herovalliana, compiled in the second half of the 8th century, is based on a southern German version of the Collectio Vetus Gallica in which 12 titles are appended to the 64th title. The wording and sequence of the titles in the Herovalliana is almost identical to those in the Vetus Gallica. The most recent text is a letter written by pope Stephan II in 754 (JE 2315). It is ascribed in the Herovalliana incorrectly to pope Leo I. There are five complete copies of an early version of the collection. For the present analysis (HV) the copy in the Ms Paris, BnF, lat. 3848B (8th/9th century, Flavigny), fol. 70r–178v, was used. There are several augmented versions. One such, as represented by the copy in the Ms Vercelli, Biblioteca Capitolare, CLXXV, circulated in Italy at the beginning of the 9th century. Another, in the Ms Paris, BnF, lat. 13657, fol. 5r–111r, was copied in France as late as the 11th century. The Herovalliana was edited in 1677 by Jacobus Petit using this manuscript. His edition was reprinted in the Migne PL 99.989–1086.
The Collectio Herovalliana was edited by Jacob Petit, Theodori sanctissimi et doctissimi archiepiscopi Cantuariensis Poenitentiale, Omnibus quae potuerunt ejusdem Capitulis adauctum, per Canones selectos ex antiquissima Canonum Collectione MS. nec non per plura ex variiis Poenitentialibus hactenus ineditis excerpta expositum … Jacobus Petit primus in lucem edidit 1 (Paris 1677), pp. 97– 280 ( = Migne PL 99.989–1086). See Mordek Analecta canonistica, pp. 4–6. Idem, Systematische Kanonessammlungen vor Gratian: Forschungsstand und neue Aufgaben, in: Proceedings of the 6th ICMCL, p. 187. Idem, Kirchenrecht und Reform, pp. 109–143. – For the transmission of the collection see Mordek, Die historische Wirkung der Collectio Herovalliana, ZKG 81 (1970), pp. 220–43, and Landau, Kanonessammlungen in der Lombardei pp. 443–444. – Kéry, Collections p. 54–57.