Collectio canonum IV in Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1764

From Clavis Canonum
Title Collectio canonum IV in Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1764
Key HE
Size Very small (less than 100 canons)
Terminus post quem 864
Terminus ante quem 874
Century saec. IX
Place of origin Laon
European region of origin Northern France
General region of origin Northwestern Europe
Main author Linda Fowler-Magerl

The five collections of canonistic material in Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1764 are closely related to the Pittaciolus of Hincmar of Laon. The fourth of them (HE), with the title De non respondendo accusatoribus antequam omnia quae ei ablata sunt legaliter restituantur, deals with the exceptio spolii. See the article on the first of these collections for general information.


  • key is HE
  • very small (less than 100 canons) collection
  • Clavis entries based on modern edition
  • from Laon in Norhtern France
  • saec. IX
  • Belongs to Berlin, SBPK, Phill. 1764 group