Hildesheim Excerpts

From Clavis Canonum
Title Hildesheim Excerpts
Key ?
Size Very small (less than 100 canons)
Century saec. XI
European region of origin Western Germany
General region of origin Northwestern Europe
Main author Linda Fowler-Magerl

Wolfenbüttel, HAB, Cod. Guelf. 32 Helmst., a copy of Regino's Libri duo contains a small canonical collection, the "Hildesheim Excerpts".

The collection was first described by Hoffmann/Pokorny 1991, 115-129 ("Die Hildesheimer Auszüge"). According to them, it was created in several steps at Hildesheim in the first half of the eleventh century in the context of the Gandesheim Controversy. At least six formal source were used, including the Collectio Anselmo dedicata and Burchard's Liber decretorum.


  • not in Clavis
  • very small
  • saec. XI * Collection
  • Western German (Hildesheim)
  • this article is a stub