Ansegis, Collectio capitularium

From Clavis Canonum

Ansegis, abbot of Fontenelle (St. Wandrille) in northern France, had compiled a Collectio capitularium by the end of January, 827. The collection is divided into four books each with its own capitulatio. They deal with ecclesiastical and mundane matters in that order and the capitula are attributed to Charlemagne and his sons Louis and Lothar. The collection survives in numerous manuscripts. The most recent edition, that of Gerhard Schmitz, is the basis for the present analysis (AN).

While the capitularies are genuine, Ansegis' work is related to Pseudoisidore by its transmission. In twelve medieval copies of the Collectio capitularium, the capitulary collection attributed to Benedictus Levita is added after book four. Both capitulary collections later were reworked into the Abbreviatio Ansegisi et Benedicti Levitae.


The Collectio capitularium of Ansegis was edited by Gerhard Schmitz, Die Kapitulariensammlung des Ansegis (MGH Capit. N. S. 1, Hanover 1996). See Schmitz, Ansegis und Regino. Die Rezeption der Kapitularien in den Libri duo de synodalibus causis, ZRG Kan. 74 (1988), pp. 95–132 and Idem, Intelligente Schreiber. Beobachtungen aus Ansegis- und Kapitularienhandschriften, in: Papsttum, Kirche und Recht im Mittelalter: Festschrift für Horst Fuhrmann zum 65. Geburtstag, ed. by Hubert Mordek, Tübingen 1991, pp. 79–93. – Kéry, Collections p. 92–100, 122–124 for the abbreviation of Ansegis and Benedictus Levita.