Collectio LXXII capitulorum

From Clavis Canonum
Title Collectio LXXII capitulorum
Key SF
Size Very small (less than 100 canons)
Terminus post quem 800
Terminus ante quem 900
Century saec. IX
Main author Fowler-Magerl, Linda

The Collectio LXXII capitulorum (SF), or Capitula sanctorum canonum according to the sole manuscript, is extant in Roma, Biblioteca Vallicelliana, Tomus XVIII. It uses the Collectio Herovalliana indirectly by way of the 9th-century copy in Bamberg, Staatsbibliothek, Msc.Patr.101. The material sources are few: the Canones Apostolorum, the „canon Romanorum“, excerpts from letters of popes Siricius, Innocent I, Zosimus, Leo I, Gelasius I and Gregory I, canons from Greek, African and Spanish councils, and a few patristic texts. The compiler of the Collectio IX librorum in Vat. lat. 1349, in turn, found texts from the Collectio Herovalliana in the Collectio LXXII capitulorum. Hubert Mordek has established that the wide circulation of some Herovalliana texts can be explained by their use in the Collectio IX librorum which, in turn, was used by the compiler of the widely circulating Collectio V librorum.

On the Collectio LXXII capitulorum, see Mordek, Herovalliana, pp. 235–236. Idem, Kirchenrecht und Reform, p. 135. – Kéry, Collections p. 176–177. For the use of the various contents of Vallicelliana Tomus XVIII by the compiler of the Collectio IX librorum see Fournier, Un groupe de recueils canoniques italiens, pp. 129–138 (Mélanges, pp. 247–256). Also Roger Reynolds, The Transmission of the Hibernensis in Italy, pp. 38–50.