User:Christof Rolker

From Clavis Canonum

Welcome to my user page! If you want to contact me, my email is christof dot rolker at uni-bamberg dot de.

User Guides

Guides to important editions

Friedberg's Liber Extra

Definitionen im Rahmen des Akademieprojekts

Was ist eigentlich ...

... eine Sammlung?

... eine Handschrift?

.... ein Papstbrief bzw. päpstliches Schreiben?

Bibliography playground

Agustín, Dialogi

Historiographical background

An idea Danica and I talked about:

  • Articles on some scholars and the way they influenced research, e.g. making some collections (texts, manuscripts, issues) prominent, and the ideological background of this. Examples:
    • The Ballerini brothers re-editing the Quesnelliana mainly to make the point that this was not the quasi-offical Roman law book which Quesnel thought it was. Vice versa, they argued that the Dionysio-Hadriana was the offical collection and stressed Pope Hadrian's role in making and distributing it. All this only makes sense if one knows a bit about 18th c. Gallicanism.
    • A similar, slightly more harmless, example is the collection today known as Corpus canonum Africano-Romanum which was renamed several times.
    • Friedberg's interest in medieval canon law of marriage is very directly link to his support of Prussian marriage law of his time. His decision to integrate the editio Romana in his edition of Gratian is perhaps best understood as courtesy towards catholic users of his edition (taking into account that catholic scholars at the time were effectively prohibited from doing a critical edition of the Corpus Iuris Canonici). The background here is the Kulturkampf, and discussions within the catholic church and beyond about Vatican I.
  • Some of this may best be integrated in the articles on individual collections, but we also need short articles on the scholars to addresse recurring issues.
  • Categories may be helpful to alert readers who influenced research on which collections/manuscripts.

Individual papal letters

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