Collectio canonum III in Milano, Ambrosiana, A. 46 inf.

From Clavis Canonum
Title Collectio canonum III in Milano, Ambrosiana, A. 46 inf.
Key MG
Size Small (100 to 500 canons)
Terminus post quem 880
Terminus ante quem 900
Century saec. IX
European region of origin Eastern France
General region of origin Northwestern Europe
Specific region of origin Reims
Main author Fowler-Magerl, Linda
No. of manuscripts one

This is the third of four canonical collections found in Milano, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, A. 46 inf. on fol. 131r–151r. Unlike the first two collections, the third collection (MG) is not divided into books and does not have a capitulatio. It contains excerpts from the capitulary of Ansegis (fol. 136r–139r) and a block of texts from the Dacheriana (fol. 141v–142r).

There are parallels to the collection of Anselm of Lucca. Mordek (according to Kéry, Collections p. 221) seems to explain fol. 132r as excerpts taken from Anselm, but Zechiel-Eckes, Mailänder Redaktion, pp. 130–147 has argued for the opposite direction of dependence. more precisely, he argued that a hypothetical version of Anselm (his "Y") behind versions B and C drew, inter alia, on the rare materials found in the Milan manuscript. He argued that Y was compiled in Milan around the year 1090.


For bibliography, see the description of the Collectio canonum I in Milano, Ambrosiana, A. 46 inf..


  • key is MG
  • from Eastern France (Reims)
  • saec. IX
  • belongs to the Ambrosiana A. 46 inf group
  • small (100 to 500 canons) collection
  • entries based on ms