User:SStark: Difference between revisions

From Clavis Canonum
(Updated with lists of pages that need some minor manually corrections)
Line 93: Line 93:
* Regional information was given as Manuscript from Switzerland from [[Stuttgart,_WLB,_HB.VI.113]]
* Regional information was given as Manuscript from Switzerland from [[Stuttgart,_WLB,_HB.VI.113]]
* Regional information was given as Manuscript from Venice from [[Venezia,_Archivio_di_Stato,_Secreta,_Codice_Trevisaneo]]
* Regional information was given as Manuscript from Venice from [[Venezia,_Archivio_di_Stato,_Secreta,_Codice_Trevisaneo]]
=== Pages where "-" instead of numbers is used the field for bishoff ===
* [[Burgos,_Archivo_y_Biblioteca_de_la_Catedral,_Codex_no_2]]
* [[Cambridge,_Trinity_College_Library,_B.16.44]]
* [[Cheltenham,_Phillipps_Collection,_17849]]
* [[Città_del_Vaticano,_BAV,_Vat._lat._1338]]
* [[Città_del_Vaticano,_BAV,_Vat._lat._1343]]
* [[Città_del_Vaticano,_BAV,_Vat._lat._1353]]
* [[Città_del_Vaticano,_BAV,_Vat._lat._3787]]
* [[Città_del_Vaticano,_BAV,_Vat._lat._4961]]
* [[El_Escorial,_Real_Biblioteca_del_Escorial,_d-I-1]]
* [[El_Escorial,_Real_Biblioteca_del_Escorial,_d-I-2]]
* [[El_Escorial,_Real_Biblioteca_del_Escorial,_e-I-12]]
* [[El_Escorial,_Real_Biblioteca_del_Escorial,_e-I-13]]
* [[El_Escorial,_Real_Biblioteca_del_Escorial,_o-I-13]]
* [[Firenze,_Biblioteca_Riccardiana,_258]]
* [[Firenze,_BML,_Ashburnham_1554]]
* [[Girona,_Arxiu_Capitular,_ms._4]]
* [[Heiligenkreuz,_Stiftsbibliothek,_217]]
* [[København,_Kongelike_Bibliotek,_Ny_Kgl._Saml._58_8°]]
* [[Köln,_Dombibliothek,_Cod._213]]
* [[La_Seu_d’Urgell,_Biblioteca_Capitular,_2005]]
* [[London,_British_Library,_Add._16413]]
* [[Madrid,_BNE,_1872]]
* [[Madrid,_BNE,_10041]]
* [[Mantova,_Biblioteca_Comunale_Teresiana,_C.II.23_(318)]]
* [[München,_BSB,_Clm_3853]]
* [[München,_BSB,_Clm_6241]]
* [[München,_BSB,_Clm_29550/1]]
* [[Ourense,_Biblioteca_de_la_Catedral,_43]]
* [[Oxford,_Bodleian_Library,_Holkham_misc._19]]
* [[Oxford,_Bodleian_Library,]]
* [[Oxford,_Oriel_College_Library,_42]]
* [[Paris,_Bibliothèque_de_l’Assemblée_nationale,_27_(B.19)]]
* [[Paris,_BnF,_lat._3846]]
* [[Paris,_BnF,_lat._3858C]]
* [[Paris,_BnF,_lat._4280]]
* [[Paris,_BnF,_lat._8901]]
* [[Roma,_Biblioteca_Casanatense,_378]]
* [[Roma,_Biblioteca_Vallicelliana,_D.18]]
* [[Sankt_Gallen,_Stiftsbibliothek,_Cod._Sang._676]]
* [[Solothurn,_Staatsarchiv,_sine_num.]]
* [[Toledo,_Archivo_y_Biblioteca_Capitular,_15-17]]
* [[Toulouse,_BM,_364]]
* [[Venezia,_Biblioteca_Nazionale_Marciana,_lat._IV.48]]
* [[Wien,_ÖNB,_Cod._829]]

== Stuff I might need one day ==
== Stuff I might need one day ==

Revision as of 17:31, 10 January 2025

Formerly employed by User:Christof Rolker to help with the technical implementations (both on the search interface as well as in the wiki). Occasionally still contributing, so if you notice a problem with one of my edits on the wiki which you think might be part of a bigger problem, please use my discussion page.

Things that I noticed might need manual fixing

Create page/categories for Madrid, Universidad Complutense - Biblioteca Histórica Marqués de Valdecilla

List of manuscripts only in Category:Manuscripts and not in the GoogleList

For more information see Talk:List of manuscripts#Manual list vs. automatic list of MSS

Manuscripts which are in the GoogleTable but not in List of manuscripts

Manuscripts where I couldn't extract the regional information automatically from the categories

Stuff I might need one day

SPARQL-Query for finding all canoncial law collections

#title: Items in law collections
SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel
    ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5146117;            # Any instance of a canonical law collection
    SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],de" }

Before I can properly use this, all pages from Kategorie:Kanones-Sammlung need to be made instances of Q5146117.

Also, keep Wikidata:How to use data on Wikimedia projects in mind.

List of manuscripts only in Category:Manuscripts and not in the GoogleList

For more information see Talk:List of manuscripts#Manual list vs. automatic list of MSS