Paris, BnF, lat. 1455

From Clavis Canonum
Library Paris, BnF
Shelfmark lat. 1455
Century saec IX
Place of origin probably near Reims (Kéry)
European region of origin Eastern France
General region of origin France
Collection Collectio Colbertina
Collection 2 Collectio Sancti Amandi
Digital Images gallica.bnf
Description at archive
Description at 2 gallica.bnf
Description at 3 mirabileweb
Bischoff number 4015 on p. 33
Main author Lotte Kéry


Contains the Collectio Colbertina on fol. 1-79 and the Collectio Sancti Amandi on fol. 80-199; as the Colbertina draws on the Sanblasiana it is sometimes described as a copy of this collection:

  • von Dobschütz, Decretum Gelasianum, p. 157. Inter alia, Dobschütz claims that BnF lat. 1455 (his G8) contained a compilation based on Sanblasiana and Quesnelliana: "Enthält Bl. 1—79 eine aus der Sammlung von St. Blasien und Stücken der Quesnelschen Sammlung gebildete Kompilation gallischen Ursprungs".
  • Kéry, Collections p. 30 "The Collectio Sanblasiana is combined with excerpts from the Quesnelliana in this manuscript. Maassen, Geschichte, 536-542 identified the combination as the collection of the Colbert manuscript."
  • Elliot, Canon Law, p. 240: "[...] the Collectio Colbertina (Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Lat. 1455 [s. ix3/4–4/4, Reims region]), compiled no earlier than the mid sixth century by combining the entirety of Coll.Sanb. with material from other collections, including Coll.Quesn."
  • Hoskin p. 143 counts BnF lat. 1455 as a Sanblasiana copy

Digital copy

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