Città del Vaticano, BAV, Vat. lat. 630

From Clavis Canonum

Città del Vaticano, BAV, Vat. lat. 630 is a two-volume copy of the A/B recension of the False Decretals written at Corbie in the last quarter of the ninth century. It was famously misdated by Hinschius, which led him to seriously underestimate the importance of the A/B recension (Fuhrmann, pp. 156, 158)

Eric Knibbs has identified this manuscript (his V630) as the best copy of the A/B recension; he :

Both volumes of V630 represent the work of Corbie scribes, and constitute our best copy of the A/B recension of the False Decretals. The text of the interpolated Hispana embedded in V630 (and thus, more broadly, the A/B text of the Hispana) has an especially close relationship to our only complete copy of Pseudo-Isidore’s msot important formal source, the interpolated Hispana on hand in Vatican, Biblioteca Apostolica, Vat. lat. 1341 (V1341).
