Città del Vaticano, BAV, Vat. lat. 1341

From Clavis Canonum
Library Città del Vaticano, BAV
Shelfmark Vat. lat. 1341
Century saec IX
Place of origin Corbie
European region of origin Northern France
Collection Collectio Hispana Gallica Augustodunensis
Digital Images digi.vatlib
Description at benedictus.mgh
Bischoff number 6855 on p. 447
Main author Lotte Kéry

The only complete copy of the Collectio Hispana Gallica Augustodunensis, which covers fol. 1v-185v (of 189 folia). The latter was named Augustodunensis because Vat. lat. 1341 was long thought to come from Autun, but Bischoff argued that it was written at Corbie.



Maassen, Pseudoisidor-Studien (1885) esp. vol. 2 pp. 801-824; online.