Berlin, SBPK, Hamilton 132

From Clavis Canonum

Berlin, SBPK, Ms. Ham. 132 (saec. IX., Corbie; 264 fol.) combines the Collectio Dionysio-Hadriana on fol. 1-128 and the Collectio Sancti Amandi on fol. 131ra–238vb, both with Carolingian additions. According to Mordek, the additions to the Hadriana effectively amount to a reworking into a Collectio Hispana Gallica Augustodunensis:

Collectio canonum Dionysio-Hadriana (durch Rasuren, interlineare Nachträge und zugefügte Blätter umgestaltet zu einer Hispana Gallica Augustodunensis).

From fol. 239ra on, there are further canonistic and penitential texts including Gregory JK 1843, JK 2174, the Paenitentiale Pseudo-Theodori, the Roman synod of 721, the Roman synod of 595, and a tract against Adoptianism.
