London, British Library, Add. 10972

From Clavis Canonum
Library London, British Library
Shelfmark Add. 10972
Century saec XI
Place of origin Fleury Abbey
European region of origin Northern France
General region of origin France
Collection Abbo of Fleury, Epistola XIV
Main author Lotte Kéry

London, British Library, Add. 10972 is the sole extant copy of Abbo's Epistola XIV. It was written at Fleury soon after 1004. The manuscript was purchased by the British Museum in 1837 from the library of the château de Rosny, having belonged previously to the Duchess of Berri and before that, in the 16th/17th century, to Pierre Pithou.

Not online as of June 2023.


Kéry, Collections pp. 201