Roma, Biblioteca Casanatense, 2010

From Clavis Canonum
Library Roma, Biblioteca Casanatense
Shelfmark 2010
Century saec XI-XII
Place of origin Farfa
European region of origin Central Italy
General region of origin Italy
Collection Collectio XLIV capitulorum „De episcoporum transmigratione“
Collection 2 Collectio LXXIV titulorum
Collection 3 Cresconius, Concordia canonum
Collection 4 Deusdedit, Collectio canonum
Description at leges.uni-koeln
Main author Lotte Kéry

Roma, Biblioteca Casanatense, 2010 is a composite manuscript written at Farfa in the late eleventh century, with some addition made in the early twelfth century. It is written in long lines and has 220 folios. Part 1 (fol. 1-87), which contains 74T (Rc in Gilchrist's edition) may have been written by Gregory of Catino (Wolf von Glanvell) who compiled the Collectio Farfensis. Part 2 (fol. 88-220), written by several hands, contains excerpts from Deusdedit, an abreviated version of Cresconius, a short form of the Collectio XLIV capitulorum „De episcoporum transmigratione“, and other materials.

According to Wolf von Glanvell, the Deusdedit copy used for the Casanatense manuscript was more complete, but not necessarily better than Città del Vaticano, BAV, Vat. lat. 3833.


folios texts 1r-62v 74T with capitulatio fol. 1r-7v and additions after c. 43 on fol. 16v (Wolf von Glanvell). The first folio was lost, but has been replaced in the sixteenth century. 62v-79v Canonical collection. 80r-87v Fragment of the Liber pontificalis 88r-93v Papal catalogue up to Gregory VII, with Paschal II added by a different hand. 93v-102r Excerpts from all four books of Deusdedit's Collectio canonum, not in sequence of Deusdedit. 102r-127r Cresconius, Concordia canonum (abridged and with additions) 127r-140r Canonical collection. Loss of some leaves after fol. 127 and 135. 140v-170r Collectio XLIV capitulorum „De episcoporum transmigratione“. Loss of some leaves after fol. 159 and 167. 170r-188v Penitential canons 188v-220r Interpretatio missae, incomplete (breaking off in mid-sentence)



Wolf von Glanvell, Einleitung pp. XXIX-XXXI; Gilchrist, Introduction pp. XLIII-XLVI