Wolfenbüttel, HAB, Cod. Guelf. 454 Helmst.

From Clavis Canonum
Library Wolfenbüttel, HAB
Shelfmark Cod. Guelf. 454 Helmst.
Century saec. X
European region of origin Eastern Germany
General region of origin Northwestern Europe
Collection Pseudo-Remedius of Chur, Collectio canonum
Digital Images diglib.hab

Contains Pseudo-Remedius of Chur and the Collectio CCXXXIII capitulorum in Wolfenbüttel, HAB, Cod. Guelf. 454 Helmst. (of which it is the only known copy). From Hildesheim (Schuffels) saec Xex and probably written in Saxony according to Hoffmann (Kéry, p. 185).


Kéry, p. 185, 193.