Città del Vaticano, BAV, Pal. lat. 585

From Clavis Canonum

Città del Vaticano, BAV, Pal. lat. 585/586 is a two-volume copy of Burchard's Liber decretorum written at Worms in the first quarter of the eleventh century (Hoffmann/Pokorny's V). It belongs to the manuscripts produced under the supervision of Burchard himself and shows numerous signs of last-minute changes to the arrangement of the materials. An ordo synodalis (Schneider's no. 17) and the decrees of Seligenstadt 1023 are added in Pal. lat. 586 after book twenty of Burchard.

The arrangement of the canons in the Palatini is different from that of most copies but similar to that of the editio princeps which therefore is thought to have been based on a manuscript very similar to Pal. lat. 585/586. This peculiar arrangement is known as ‘Order of Worms, type A’ as opposed to ‘Order of Worms, type B’ found in almost equally early copies including Frankfurt, Ub, Barth. 50, and almost all later manuscript. Indeed, there are only two other extant manuscripts of ‘type A’: Würzburg, Universitätsbibliothek, 86 and 167.




Hoffmann/Pokorny, pp. 29-58; Schneider (MGH Ordines, p. 471); Jasper (MGH Conc. 6, p. 11); Kéry, p. 134