JK 675

From Clavis Canonum

Jaffé no.: JK 675

Incipit: Probabilibus desideriis nihil

J3 1338 is an abbreviated version of JK 675.

Not to be confused with later letters by Gregory I (JE 1191 , JE 1215 , JE 1738 ) Gregory II (JE 2153 , JE 2161 ), and Nicholas II (JE ??) with the same incipit; also used for a formula in the Liber diurnus. On all this, see Wirbelauer, Zwei Päpste pp. 123.


Random finding: https://www.e-codices.unifr.ch/de/staso/R0001-0001-0017//2r



  • Jaffé 2nd edition JK 675
  • Maassen, Geschichte §285 no. 20 p. 284