Stuttgart, WLB, HB.VI.107
From Clavis Canonum
Library | Stuttgart, WLB |
Shelfmark | HB.VI.107 |
Century | saec XI |
European region of origin | Southern Germany |
General region of origin | Northwestern Europe |
Collection | Epitome Hadriani |
Collection 2 | Collectio LXXIV titulorum |
Collection 3 | Swabian Appendix to 74T |
Collection 4 | Epitome Hispana |
Digital Images | digital.wlb-stuttgart |
Description at | resolver.staatsbibliothek-berlin |
Description at 2 | geschichtsquellen |
CLA | CLA IX 1359 |
Bischoff number | 6072 on p. 359 |
Main author | Lotte Kéry |
Stuttgart, WLB, HB.VI.107 (saec. XIex probably from Konstanz, Sankt Blasien or Schaffhausen) contains a number of canon law (and polemic) texts related to Bernold of Konstanz.
- fol. 1v-43v and 44r-52r contains the Collectio LXXIV titulorum with the Swabian Appendix to 74T. Note that Gilchrist’s edition of the Swabian Appendix is largely based on this manuscript. Useful information on glosses to this version of 74T is found in Dusil Wissensordnungen (2018). Few are unique, others appear in other mss of the Swabian version of 74T.
- fol. 52r-54v the so-called Decretum Gelasianum
fol. 54v-61r: a small collection of 47 canons De ecclesiis, many of which from Burchard. As Autenrieth as the first to point out, the De ecclesiis materials have parallels in several other 74T copies:
- Diese Reihe von Kanones ist unter dem gleichen Titel und mit den beinahe gleichen Textabschnitten in den folgenden Hss enthalten: Sangall. 676 p. 162-170; Engelberg 52,45r-49r; Wien lat. 2153,42rff; Admont 257,87r ff; teilweise in Clm 22289, 208r ff und Wolfenbüttel 9. 4. Aug. 4° (Heinemann 2985), 29r-33r. Etwa die Hälfte der Kanones sind bei Burchard nachzuweisen [...].
- fol. 61r-63v: a small collection of 24 canons De illicitis coniunctionibus mainly from Burchard. Autenrieth listed "Sangall. 676 p. 170-173; Engelberg 52, 49r ff; Wolfenbüttel 9. 4. Aug. 4° (Heinemann 2985), 33r-35r" as parallels.
- fol. 63-82r: texts on the general counils (including the denotationes known as Adnotatio I and II) and canons of the first four councils
- fol. 82r excerpts from the Collectio XCVIII capitulorum
- fol. 82v Mainz 847, c. 13
- fol. 83r-85v (new quire, change of hand): more excerpts from the Collectio XCVIII capitulorum and other canons found after the Collectio XCVIII capitulorum in Wien, ÖNB, Cod. 2198 (Gelasius JK 637, Pseudo-Chalcedon), penitential texts, and other materials
- fol. 86v-96v the Epitome Hadriani.
- fol. 97r-lllr ordines
- furhter canon law materials, and works of Bernold.
- fol. 113r-13 one finds Bernard's Letter to Bernold of Constance.
- online:
- Detailed description (Autenrieth):
- Summary description (no mention of 74T):
Autenrieth, Handschriften der ehemaligen Hofbibliothek Stuttgart: 3 (1963), pp. 100-105; Kéry, Collections pp. 59 (as Epitome Hispana copy), 187, 205