Wien, ÖNB, Cod. 2198
Library | Wien, ÖNB |
Shelfmark | Cod. 2198 |
Century | s. X-XI¼ |
European region of origin | Southern Germany |
General region of origin | Germany |
Specific region of origin | Bavaria |
Collection | Pseudo-Remedius of Chur, Collectio canonum |
Collection 2 | Collectio XCVIII capitulorum |
Collection 3 | Collectio XXX capitulorum (De ratione matrimonii) |
Digital Images | |
Description at | manuscripta |
Description at 2 | |
Main author | Bruno Schalekamp |
Wien, ÖNB, Cod. 2198 is a tenth to early eleventh-century manuscript of 123 folios in 1 col. (255 x 180 mm). Its collation and quire structure are not well known. Some quire signatures in Roman numerals were added, but are inconsistent and unclear. Preliminarily, they read as follows: ? + III23 + III[I]31 + V39 + VI45 + ? + I. VIII55 + II. VIIII57 + III.65 + VI75 + VII. XII81 + XIIII95 + X[V?]I105 + XVI111 + XVI119; based on these signatures, if they are correct, we can reconstruct the following preliminary collation: ?23 + 2 x IV39 + III45 + ?55 + I57 + IV65 + (III – 1)70 + (III – 1)75 + 2 x III87 + IV95 + ?105 + III111 + IV119 + II123. Modern foliation in Arabic numbers in lead pencil; fols. 120-121 have been (accidentally?) reversed during that process. The manuscript was written by several hands in Caroline minuscule with some annotations in late Caroline minuscule and early modern hands in humanist minuscule. Its penning process probably took place in saec. X according to Mordek, saec. X½-Xex according to Kéry, or saec. X-XI¼ according to ithe Vienna catalogue and Hoffmann. While its origin is from Southern Germany according to Kéry, more specifically Bavaria and probably Freising according to its catalogue, Hoffmann, and Mordek, its provenance is so far unknown.
The manuscript is a medium-sized codex and contains almost exclusively canonical material, which is mostly taken up by Pseudo-Remedius of Chur, Collectio canonum, the Collectio XCVIII capitulorum, and the Collectio XXX capitulorum (De ratione matrimonii). The codex contains the full version of the Council of Tribur (895) and a list of names of attendees of the Council of Ingelheim (948). Various other (excerpts of) conciliar canons, decretals, Salic law, and papal decretals were included, most notable eleven epistles by pope Nicholas I. Lastly, the work contains the Capitulary for the Jews, an unknown sermon and judicial treatise, and a text on the excommunication of Henry, duke of Bavaria, in 976.

MS Cod. 2198 contains a large list of noteworthy damages, doodles, drawings, and annotations. To start with, the whole work has sustained extensive damage from various sources, especially the first few folios. It seems the MS was much used, studied, and commented on, as well as possibly transported regularly due to water damage and tears on many pages. On fol. 95r, an ink stain can be found. Secondly, a few doodles can be found, such as a leaf in fol. 37r and some extensions below minor capitals on folios 120r (121r) and 122r. Furthermore, drawings were added in between the base text, assumedly by the scribe themselves. On fols. 89v and 90r, multiple drawings such as of a man and hands can be found. Some probationes pennae can be found, one of which is spelled out in singular on fol. 106v. Thirdly, on many folios annotations by late medieval and early modern hands can be discerned. The latter hands appear, for example, on folios 46v, 119v, and 121r (120r). Lastly, a few beautifully decorated capitals were made, for example on fols. 90r and 106r.
See the digitized version:
folios texts
Front cover and flyleaf
1r-43r Pseudo-Remedius of Chur, Collectio canonum 43r-46v Eleven epistles by pope Nicholas I 46v-74v The Council of Tribur (895), canons 1-73 74v-75v Unknown anonymous sermon (?), titled De Decimis 75v Unknown short judicial treatise 76r-77r Epistle of pope Nicholas I to bishop Solomon of Constance 77r-80r Capitulary for the Jews 80r-81r Various excerpt of decretals, books and laws by pope Innocent I and Bede, as well as Salic law 81v-83v Various excerpts of decretals and conciliar canons concering marriage 83v-85v Collectio XXX capitulorum (De ratione matrimonii), chapters I-II, X-XI, XIIII, XVII, XVIII, XXII, and XXVIII 86r De administratoribus legis 86r-v Various excerpts of papal decretals and conciliar canons on marriage 87r Names of the episcopal attendees of the Council of Ingelheim (948) 87v Unidentified decretal concerning the provincial synod of the parish of Regensburg. Also includes a text from July 976 on the excommunication of Henry, duke of Bavaria 88r-89r Excerpts of various conciliar canons, a decretal of pope Eutychian, as well as Pseudo-Pelagius’ epistle, titled De triennali possessione 88v-123v Collectio XCVIII capitulorum
Flyleaf and back cover
Fuhrmann, ‘Die sogennante Kanonessamlung’ (1962), p. 232; Hehl, ‘Iuxta canones’ (1991), p. 127 n. 32; Hoffmann, Buchkunst und Königtum (1986), p. 420 and 438; Kéry, Canonical Collections (1999), p. 77, 81, 184, and 186-187; Kottje, Verzeichnis der Handschriften (MGH) (2012), p. 222 n. 1270; Landau, Kanonistische Aktivität (1979), p. 55-75; Mordek, Bibliotheca capitularium (1995), p. 8, 289, 325, 354; Mordek, Kirchenrecht und Reform (1975), p. 121 n. 91 and 259; Pokorny, ‘Die drei Versionen der Triburer Synodalakten’ (1992), p. 429-511; Tabulae codicum Vol. II (1868), p. 29-30.
An edition of the Collectio XXX capitulorum (De ratione matrimonii) is currently being prepared by Sven Meeder, Gideon de Jong, and Bruno Schalekamp.