Wien, ÖNB, Cod. 2153

From Clavis Canonum

Wien, ÖNB, Cod. 2153 is a composite manuscript of 190 folios. Part I (fol. 1-94; saec. XIIin, probably written in Sankt Pölten) contains the 74T (Vh in Gilchrist's edition) with several additions, part II (fol. 95-190; saec. XIV) the Compilatio tertia.

Gassó/Batlle, Prolegomena, pp. XLVI-XLVIII describe it as a copy of the Collectio Vindobonensis and divide the materials of the first part (fol. 1-94) in there sections:

  • fol. 1-63 decretals and snoydal decrees
  • fol. 63-67 Decretum Gelasianum
  • fol. 67r-94v decretals and synodal decrees including the Roman synod of 1080.

They note that the canons fol. 1-41v are divided in 315 chapters and that these have a parallel in Wien, ÖNB, Cod. 2206.

According to Gilchrist, Prolegomena p. lviii, part I should be divided as follows:

  • fol. 1r-41v: 74T
  • fol. 41r-42v: cc. 319, 321, and 328 of the Swabian Appendix to 74T
  • fol. 42r-62r: a florilegium De ecclesiis. as Gilchrist notes, this includes on fol. 49v-56r „a block of 16 letters of Pelagius I […] the last one preseced by a fragment from Jerome and followed by three letters of Gelasius I (to 57r).“



Gassó/Batlle, Prolegomena, pp. XLVI-XLVIII; Gilchrist, Prolegomena p. lviii; Kéry, p. 206.