Wolfenbüttel, HAB, Aug. 9.4

From Clavis Canonum
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Place Wolfenbüttel
Library HAB
Shelfmark Aug. 9.4
Century saec. XII
Collection Collectio LXXIV titulorum
Collection 2 Swabian Appendix to 74T
Collection 3 unknown
Main author user:TatianaPetrukhina

Twelfth-century manuscript. Provenance probably St. Johann Baptist and St. Blasius, Braunschweig (at least of the first part)

According to Gilchrist, this version of 74T has no capitulatio. The canons are numbered to c.315, but the Swabian Appendix is unnumbered. Some canons are missing (for example c.145 and c.146), few are transposed (cc. 27 and 28), and numbering occasionally goes wrong.

The text has several glossas, as decribed in Dusil's Wissensordnungen. Glossa to c.137 “Hoc decretum a leone etiam esse dicitur promulgatum ad episcopos mauritanie”. The same gloss (a bit differently formulated) can be found in Engelberg, Stiftsbibliothek, 52. Gloss to c. 242 "Idem sanctus leo papa scribens ad maximum antiocenum episcopum precipit ne quis preter sacerdotes audeat predicare". The same gloss is in München, BSB, Clm 22289 and in St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 676. A gloss post c. 289 ante tit.66. "Hanc synodum factam scitote vi anno leonis imperatoris et hunc gregorium iii non secundum nominari qui et sanctum bonifacium magontiaci archiepiscopum ordinavit". Similar but not identiacal gloss is in Stuttgart, WLB, HB.VI.107 and Città del Vaticano, BAV, Vat. lat. 4160.

As far as I can see, the Swabian Appendix is not in full and ends at c. 325. On fol.29rb-47bis follows more canons, that the scribe seems to perceive as a continuation of the same collection. 47ra-35va: Epitome Hadriani. The structure of the continuation of the Swabian Appendix is quite similar to the one in Stuttgart, WLB, HB.VI.107.

See Kéry, p. 206

  • 53va-159ra: various canon law material. I don't see it being described, apart from by Gilchrist who didn't see the manuscript. A change of hand on 57r, it looks to me like a different manuscript. Some derivate of Burchard of Worms, Liber decretorum on 64v-158vb, not in Kéry, and I'm not sure anyone worked on it.

Digitized https://hab.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/en/image-viewer/?manifest=https://iiif.hab.de/object/mss_9-4-aug-4f/manifest


  • saec XII
  • Copy of 74T plus appendix, and Epitome Hadriani
  • Manuscript
  • Digitized