Città del Vaticano, BAV, Vat. lat. 4160

From Clavis Canonum

Città del Vaticano, BAV, Vat. lat. 4160 is a small (56 fols) codex written in the late eleventh century according to Gilchrist. It contains Collectio LXXIV titulorum (Gilchrist's V1) and a few additions:

  • fol. 1v-50r: The 74T proper. The text is almost complete, but there are several omissions and additions. The capitulatio occupies fol. 1v-6v and ends with c.270, but the main text goes until c.315. Cc. 276-302 are, however, lacking. An additional canon is inserted ante c.140 ("Gregorius papa Petro subdiacono", JE 1112). Another additional canon is inserted ante c.144 ("Innocentius papa. k. xvii", JK 286). In the margin opposite to cc.258-9, there is a gloss. The same gloss is in München, BSB, Clm 22289.
  • fol. 50r-56v: Miscellaneous canon law texts mainly taken from Pseudoisidore but also a letter of Gelasius I (JK 637 c. 2) and Ex dictis Bonifacii from the Hibernensis according to Gilchrist p. xlix.
  • fol. 56v: Probationes pennae. Ovid's quotation and a palindrome by, it seems, Poliziano.



Gilchrist, Prolegomena pp. xlix-l; Kéry, p. 205