Roma, Biblioteca Vallicelliana, F.54

From Clavis Canonum
Revision as of 20:54, 24 July 2024 by Christof Rolker (talk | contribs) (Added link)

Eleventh-twelfth century. The codex consists of three manuscripts bound together. One or more folios are missing in the beginning. Three hands, all Italian.

Manuscript 1

  • 67v-130v: another collection which as far as I can see is not in the database and has not been studied systematically. It consists largely of conciliar and patristic canons, which include the apocryphal council of 'Pope Sylvester' edited in 1886 by Charles Poisnel from this MS .

See Kéry, p. 205

Manuscript 2

  • 131r-169v: Kuttner describes it as a collection mostly but not entirely of penitential texts, largely based on the Collectio V librorum (beginning at fol. 158v-169r). Mordek thinks of it as a version of the Poenitentiale Vallicellianum I, which was probably influenced by the Collectio Herovalliana. This is because the collection uses a rare term (hera instead of capitulum), which is characteristic of the Collectio Vetus Gallica (and the Collectio Herovalliana is based on VG). On Poenitentiale Vallicellianum I see Hägele, Das Paenitentiale Vallicellianum I.
  • 169v: a twelfth-century hand, no longer Beneventan inserted here Paschal II's Lateran Council of 7 March 1110, cc. 1-4. Below, another hand, again in Beneventan script, inserted Calixtus II's Lateran Council of 1123, c.9 (vulg. 5).

See Kéry, p. 158,

Manuscript 3

See Kéry, pp. 285-286.

The manuscript is not digitized in July 2024.


  • manuscript
  • saec XI/XII
  • Copy of 74T
  • Not digitized