Roma, Biblioteca Vallicelliana, F.54

From Clavis Canonum
Library Roma, Biblioteca Vallicelliana
Shelfmark F.54
Century saec XI
Century 2 saec XII
European region of origin unknown <-- manuscript cannot at present be categorized in one of our regions according to Categories for manuscripts by region. -->
Collection Collectio LXXIV titulorum
Main author Lotte Kéry

Eleventh-twelfth century. The codex consists of three manuscripts bound together. One or more folios are missing in the beginning. Three hands, all Italian.

Manuscript 1

  • 67v-130v: another collection which as is not in the database and has not been studied systematically (the Collectio canonum I in Roma, Vallicelliana, F.54). It consists largely of conciliar and patristic canons, which include the apocryphal council of 'Pope Sylvester' edited in 1886 by Charles Poisnel from this MS .

See Kéry, p. 205

Manuscript 2

  • 131r-169v: Kuttner describes it as a collection mostly but not entirely of penitential texts, largely based on the Collectio V librorum (beginning at fol. 158v-169r). Mordek thinks of it as a version of the Poenitentiale Vallicellianum I, which was probably influenced by the Collectio Herovalliana. This is because the collection uses a rare term (hera instead of capitulum), which is characteristic of the Collectio Vetus Gallica (and the Collectio Herovalliana is based on VG). On Poenitentiale Vallicellianum I see Hägele, Das Paenitentiale Vallicellianum I.
  • 169v: a twelfth-century hand, no longer Beneventan inserted here Paschal II's Lateran Council of 7 March 1110, cc. 1-4. Below, another hand, again in Beneventan script, inserted Calixtus II's Lateran Council of 1123, c.9 (vulg. 5).

See Kéry, p. 158,

Manuscript 3

See Kéry, pp. 285-286.

The manuscript is not digitized in July 2024.


  • manuscript
  • saec XI/XII
  • Copy of 74T
  • Not digitized