München, BSB, Clm 5508

From Clavis Canonum

München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Clm 5508 contains two collections: a copy of the Collectio Diessensis followed by the Collectio Frisingensis I (Wirbelauer's "M1"). Clm 5508 is said to be a copy of München, BSB, Clm 6243 (Kéry, p. 2), the only other known copy of Frisingensis I.

Wirbelauer describes the Diessensis in Clm 5508 as a Collectio Sanblasiana (but with important qualifications); Maassen, CLA, Kéry, and Hoskin describe it as a Diessensis.

Fragments of the same codex were found in Clm 5675 and 4 Inc.c.a. 553; they are now preserved as Clm, BSB, 29550/4 (see the online description of the latter: "Zwei Blattfragmente fanden sich als Einbandmakulatur im Clm 5675 aus Dießen, OSA, gehörten aber ursprünglich zum Clm 5508, ebenso wie das Blattfragment und die 8 Fälze, die aus der Inkunabel 4 Inc.c.a. 553 (= BSB-Ink A-250) des Stiftes Polling, OSA, ausgelöst wurden.")


Based on the Handschriftencensus, there seem to have been digital images of the b/w microfilm, but if so they were replaced by colour images, with the same identifier used for both digital objects.


  • Manuscript
  • saec VIII/IX
  • digitized