München, BSB, Clm 6243

From Clavis Canonum
Library München, BSB
Shelfmark Clm 6243
Century saec. VIII
European region of origin Southern Germany
General region of origin Northwestern Europe
Collection Collectio Frisingensis I
Collection 2 Collectio Frisingensis II
Collection 3 Freising fragment
Collection 4 Collectio Frisingensis I
Digital Images digitale-sammlungen
Description at mdz-nbn-resolving
Bischoff number 3001 on p. 233
Main author Christof Rolker

München, BSB, Clm 6243 in its older (saec. VIII) part contains three canonical collections, the Freising fragment on fol. 5r-10v, the Collectio Frisingensis I on fol. 11-189, and the Collectio Frisingensis II on fol. 192-196.

The manuscript was at Freising by the year 800; fol. 200-238 were added here in the ninth century.

München, BSB, Clm 5508 (saec. IX, Reichenau?) is said to be a copy of Clm 6243 (Kéry, p. 2).



Mordek, Bibliotheca capitularium pp. 321-324; Kéry p. 2; Glauche, Katalog pp. 70-78