Collectio Vaticana in Vat. lat. 1342

From Clavis Canonum
Title Collectio Vaticana in Vat. lat. 1342
Key ?
Century saec. VIII
European region of origin Central Italy
General region of origin Southern Europe and Mediterranean
Specific region of origin Rome
Main author Christof Rolker

The Collectio Vaticana in Vat. lat. 1342 (Maassen, Geschichte p. 512: "Die Sammlung in der vaticanischen Handschrift")) is a small canon law collection extant in four manuscripts. The collection orginally may date from the sixth century (Maassen), but as Vocino and West have pointed out, all extant copies contain canons of the 743 Roman synod, so the present form was only produced in the eighth century.


Maassen, Geschichte p. 512-513 lists four complete manuscripts (and two fragments):

Vocino and West (who argue for a later date) also list four complete copies_

Unlike Maassen, they regard Laud.misc.421 as a deriavative (not a copy of the Vaticana), and list another copy today at Düsseldorf:

"The eighth-century Collectio Vaticana, though probably compiled before Charlemagne’s conquest in 774, was evidently of considerable interest in Carolingian Italy, from which all the surviving complete manuscripts derive: Vat. lat. 1342 (s. viiiex), Barb. lat. 679 (s. viiiex–ixin) and Düsseldorf ULB E 1 (s. ixex), as well as Edili 82 (s. ixex). It is moreover likely that these manuscripts are but the remains of an originally rather more substantial transmission. Two other Carolingian canon law codices (Novara, Biblioteca Capitolare XXX (66) and Oxford, Bodleian Library, Laud. misc. 421) include the capitulatio or contents page of the Collectio Vaticana, while two ninth-century Italian manuscripts (Lucca, Biblioteca Capitolare Feliniana, MS 125 and Leipzig, Universitätsbibliothek, Hänel 8+9) contain excerpts from it."


  • Maassen, Geschichte p. 512
  • Giorgia Vocino and Charles West, "On the life and continence of judges": the production and transmission of imperial legislation in late Ottonian Italy,


  • not in Clavis
  • saec. VI (Maassen) but extant version is post 743 (West)
  • from Rome
  • this article is a stub