Florilegium in Mantova, BC, 318

From Clavis Canonum

Mantova, BC, 318, fol. 2r–3v contains a very small floriglegium of canon law material. It is possible that a slightly different (earlier) version of this florilegium circulated alongside the A version of Anselm's collection without actually being part of it. This at least would explain why several manuscripts of different versions of Anselm's collection (A, A Aucta, B) contain similar additional material also found in the Mantua florilegium but not the A version.

Mantova, BC, 318 (from polirone) is one of the two known copies of the A Aucta version.


Motta, I codici canonistici di Polirone, pp. 361-362


  • not in Clavis
  • belongs to: Anselm (all versions) group
  • very small (less than 100 canons) collection
  • from Northern Italy
  • saec. XI