Paris, BnF, lat. 1536
From Clavis Canonum
Library | Paris, BnF |
Shelfmark | lat. 1536 |
Century | saec. X |
European region of origin | unknown <-- manuscript cannot at present be categorized in one of our regions according to Categories for manuscripts by region. --> |
Collection | Collectio Dionysiana II |
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Main author | Lotte Kéry |
Paris, BnF, lat. 1536 contains a version of the Dionysiana on fol. 44-84 and (early and Carolingian) conciliar canons. Kéry, Collections p. 10 lists it among the copies of the first version, but Maassen, Geschichte p. 427 describes it as a physically incomplete copy of the Collectio Dionysiana II.
Maassen, Geschichte p. 427; Kéry, Collections pp. 10, 11.