Collectio canonum I in Milano, Ambrosiana, A. 46 inf.

From Clavis Canonum
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Title Collectio canonum I in Milano, Ambrosiana, A. 46 inf.
Key ME
Size Small (100 to 500 canons)
Terminus post quem 880
Terminus ante quem 900
Century saec. IX
Place of origin Reims
European region of origin Eastern France
General region of origin Northwestern Europe
Specific region of origin Reims
Main author Fowler-Magerl, Linda
No. of manuscripts one

This is the first of four canonical collections found in Milano, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, A. 46 inf., a miscellany manuscript of the ninth century.

Structure and capitulatio

The collection itself (ME), divided into two books, is found on folio 15v–85v. [67] The capitulatio of the first book of this collection is found on fol. 9r–11v (so after the capitulatio to the second collection in the same manuscript); it has the title Capitula libri sequentis (sequentis here is a correction in red for primi). On fol. 11v–15r and 130v the capitulatio to the second book is found. The capitulatio contains a comment that parts of book two are missing (capitula haec non et xx. in libro desiderantur), as it is indeed the case because the sixth quire (between what is now fol. 48 and 49), which would have contained the opening sections of the second book, is missing. The capitulatio lists 185 chapters for the first book and 209 for the second.

Material Sources

The compiler made use of excerpts from the collection of Cresconius and from the Herovalliana and Dacheriana and from Remedius of Chur. Titulus is often instead of capitulum as is the case in the earliest of these collections. From canon 2.33 onward numerous canons from the Greek councils have era instead of capitulum. This is taken from the Herovalliana. Klaus Zechiel-Eckes has identified the version of Cresconius used as that which circulated in northeastern France (in the diocese of Liège). The compiler also used the capitularies of Ansegis and Benedictus Levita, De raptoribus of Hincmar of Reims and a letter of pope Nicholas I to Charles the Bald concerning the conflict between Hincmar and Rothad (JE 2783). The compiler also used the commentary of Florus of Lyon to the Constitutiones Sirmondianae.


The collection begins with the election and consecration of bishops. It places emphasis on the learnedness of bishops, which would be characteristic of collections from Reims through the 11th century. It deals with the other ecclesiastical grades, with synods, with judgment and with communion and baptism. The second book deals with the accusation procedure and the reparation of the lapsed. It ends with the possessions of the church and with demes.


  • key is ME
  • from Eastern France (Reims)
  • saec. IX
  • belongs to the Ambrosiana A. 46 inf group
  • small (100 to 500 canons) collection
  • entries based on ms