Arras, BM, 644

From Clavis Canonum

Arras, Bibliothéque municipale, 644 (572) is a copy of the Collectio Quesnelliana.

Note that the signature is sometimes given as "644 (572)" (Kéry), "CGM 572 / Ms 644" (CCFr) or "644 (CGM 572)" (CNRS), sometimes as "572 (644)" (d'Avray).

The manuscript should not be confused with Arras, BM, 114 (644), a sixteenth-century manuscript

Kéry, p. 27: saec. VIII-IX, probably Northeastern France or Northwestern Austrasia; probably from the same scriptorium as Einsiedeln 191; Prov. Saint-Vaast at Arras; cf. A. Goldbacher, CSEL 58 (1923) LXI; CLA 6, no. 713, p. 4 and p. 42; CLA Suppl. p. 56



  • d'Avray, Papal jurisprudence, pp. 27-28 and passim (on Arras 644, his Qa, as the "base manuscript" for his Quesnelliana texts)


  • manuscript
  • digitized
  • saec. VIII