Arras, BM, 644

From Clavis Canonum

Arras, Bibliothéque municipale, 644 (572) is a copy of the Collectio Quesnelliana. Loew stressed the similarities to Einsiedeln, Stiftsbibliothek, Codex 191 in content, script, and layout. According to him, both are the product of the same scriptorium.

Note that the shelf mark is sometimes given as "644 (572)" (Kéry), "CGM 572 / Ms 644" (CCFr) or "644 (CGM 572)" (CNRS), sometimes as "572 (644)" (d'Avray). The manuscript should not be confused with Arras, BM, 114 (644), a sixteenth-century manuscript

Kéry, p. 27: „saec. VIII-IX, probably Northeastern France or Northwestern Austrasia; probably from the same scriptorium as Einsiedeln 191; Prov. Saint-Vaast at Arras; cf. A. Goldbacher, CSEL 58 (1923) LXI; CLA 6, no. 713, p. 4 and p. 42; CLA Suppl. p. 56“.


According to the description of Marie-Christine Duparc as reported by d'Avray, the Arras manuscript contains

  • fol. 2r-3r: Catalogue of popes from St Peter to Honorius I (625-638) and Severinus (d. 640)
  • fol. 3v-212: Quesnelliana, "complete aparat from the randomly exceosed folios" (d'Avray, p. 42)
  • fol. 212v Pseudo-Silvester
  • fol. 212v-213v Liber decretorum
  • fol. 213v (addition) Imperatores Gratianus, Valentinianus et Teodosius



Kéry, p. 27: d'Avray, Papal jurisprudence, pp. 27-28 and passim (on Arras 644, his Qa, as the "base manuscript" for his Quesnelliana texts)


  • Manuscript
  • digitized
  • not in Clavis
  • saec VIII
  • Eastern France
  • copy of Collectio Quesnelliana