Paris, BnF, lat. 1455

From Clavis Canonum
Revision as of 18:25, 29 April 2024 by Christof Rolker (talk | contribs) (Created article based on Kéry, Wirbelauer, von Dobschütz)
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Contains a combination of Collectio Italica and Collectio Quesnelliana material.

  • von Dobschütz, Decretum Gelasianum, p. 157 ( Inter alia, Dobschütz claims that BnF lat. 1544 (his "G8") contained a compilation based on Collectio Italica and Collectio Quesnelliana: "Enthält Bl. 1—79 eine aus der Sammlung von St. Blasien und Stücken der Quesnelschen Sammlung gebildete Kompilation gallischen Ursprungs".
  • Kéry, Collections p. 30 "The Collectio Sanblasiana is combined with excerpts dfrom the Quesnelliana in this mansucript. Maassen, Geschichte, 536-542 identified the combination as the collection of the Colbert manuscript."

Digital copy

For a digital copy (of the b/w microfilm), see



  • manuscript
  • not in Clavis
  • digitized
  • saec. IX 2/2
  • "vielleicht" (Wirbelauer p. 344) or probably (Kéry p. 30) near Reims i.e. Eastern France