Bamberg, Staatsbibliothek, Msc.Can.9

From Clavis Canonum
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Library Bamberg, Staatsbibliothek
Shelfmark Msc.Can.9
Century s. XI1-⅔ (I) and X3/3-XI3/3 (II)
European region of origin Southern Germany
General region of origin Freising and Southern Germany
Collection Collectio duodecim partium
Collection 2 Pseudo-Remedius of Chur, Collectio canonum
Collection 3 Collectio XCVIII capitulorum
Collection 4 Collectio XXX capitulorum (De ratione matrimonii)
Main author Bruno Schalekamp
Main author Christof Rolker

Bamberg, Staatsbibliothek, Msc.Can. 9 (olim P. I. 9) is a late tenth to late eleventh-century manuscript of 232 folios in 1 col. (fols. 1r-v, 3r-6v, 8v-15v, 17v-22v, 25v-32r, 33v-45v, 47r-54v, 56v-68v, 71r-86v, and 89r-232v) and 2 cols. (fols. 2ra-vb, 7ra-8rb, 15va-17rb, 22va-25ra, 32va-33vb, 46ra- 46vb, 55ra-56va, 68va-70vb, and 87ra-88vb) (257 x 173 mm) consisting of two parts. Part I: 1r-127v in 31-37 lines; part II: 128r-232v in 26 lines. Its collation and quire structure are unknown. Quire signatures in Roman numerals start at I134 until X194 of which VII is missing. Modern foliation in Arabic numerals in distinct black ink. The manuscript was written by various hands, mostly in (late) Caroline minuscule, which change quite often especially in the 'younger' part, also including some additions in the margins. A thirteenth-century hand can be discerned on fol. 127v. Its various parts can be dated as follows, according to Kéry: part I: s. XI1 (fols. 105v-127r) and s. XI (fols. 1r-105v); part II: s. X3/3 (fols. 128r- 232r) or XIin (fols. 128r-169v), and XI3/3 (fols. 206r-232r). Müller seems to suggest an earlier date for part II on p. 29 ("reicht ... ins 10./11. Jhd.") but opts for a later date based on its paleography reasons on p. 30 ("vielleicht eher ins zweite Drittel des 11. Jhds. zu setzen"). Part I was written in Freising and part II in Southern Germany, probably in Regensburg. Its provenance can be traced to the Cathedral library at Bamberg.


The manuscript is a large-sized composite codex and contains mostly canonical material, dominated by three collections: the Collectio duodecim partium, Pseudo-Remedius of Chur, Collectio canonum, and the Collectio XCVIII capitulorum. The Collectio XXX capitulorum (De ratione matrimonii) makes an appearance near the end of the codex. The manuscript contains a large list of other works, which can be deemed relevant to the study of canon law. This includes but is not limited to the False Investiture privileges, the so-called De investitura regis tract - a miscellany on king doing penance -, polemics of the Investiture contest, various decretals by Hadrian, Leo and Gregory the Great, and excerpts of Bede, Regino of Prüm, and other conciliar works.

Fol. 4r of the manuscript, showing chapters XVI-XXIII of the Collectio duodecim partium

MS Bamberg, SB, Can. 9 is a high-quality, well-preserved handwritten work. Especially its 'younger' part (I) seems to have been produced with parchment of exceptional quality. Part II's parchment is of no less quality, but is thinner and was therefore more prone to wear and tear. Still, both parts of the codex seem to have enjoyed close study and sparked interest in their readers. For example, the list of titles of the Collectio duodecim partium was explained and sourced by a later hand, indicating it might have been used as study material on its own without any other canonical collection at hand. Furthermore, especially in part I, many dark spots of fingers can be discerned, indicating the work was a page turner regularly looked into by its audience.

See the digitized version:

folios texts
Front cover
1r-102r Collectio duodecim partium
102v-103r Decretal of pope Hadrian
103r-105r Decretal of pope Leo
105r-v Decretum electionis pontificae Nicolae pars II, or the imperial version of the Papal Election Decree
106r Note on the three Marys
106r-v The Penitence of Solomon
106v-107v Note on the Antichrist
107v-110v Various (excerpts of) papal decretals
110v-113v List of popes, from St. Peter to Hormisdas
114r-120v Epistola Leodiensium adversus Paschalem II
120v-122v Tractatus de investitura episcoporum
122v-124v Ivo of Chartres to Hugo of Lyon
125r-126v De sepultura eorum qui falso excommunicati dicuntur non turbanda
127r Concordat of Worms
128r-169v Pseudo-Remedius of Chur, Collectio canonum
169v-173v Capitula Nicolai papae
173v-193v The Council of Trebur (895), canons 1-58
193v-194v De Decimis
194v-195v Responsiones beatae memoriae Nicolai papae ad Salomonem venerabilem Constantiensae sedis episcopum
195v-198v Capitulary for the Jews
198v A single unidentified chapter or canon, titled Si cuius uxor in captiuitatem fuerit
198v-199r Excerpt of Bede's In Evangelium S. Matthaei, chapter 19
199r-v Excerpt of Regino of Prüm, Libri duo de synodalibus causis et disciplinis ecclesiasticis, De homicidiis clericorum
199v The Council of Ancyra (314), canon 23 'on divination' (De his qui diuinationes expetunt)
199v-200r Excerpt of the Council of Rome (743)
200r-v Excerpt of a decretal of pope Vigilius
200v-203v Various excerpts of letters of pope Gregory the Great
203v-205r Collectio XXX capitulorum (De ratione matrimonii), chapters I-II, X-XI, XIIII, XVII, XVIII, XXII, and XXVIII
205r-206r Various excerpts from papal decretals and councils
206r-232r Collectio XCVIII capitulorum. On fol. 211r, chapter II of the Collectio XXX capitulorum (De ratione matrimonii) was added
232v Various excerpts of letters of pope Gregory the Great
Flyleaf and back cover


Hoffmann, Bamberger Handschriften (1995), p. 123; Katalog der Handschriften Vol. 1 (1887), p. 866-871; Kéry, Canonical Collections (1999), p. 75, 81, 155, 184-185, and 187; Märtl, Die falschen Investiturprivilegien (MGH, Fontes iuris) (1986), p. 104; Mordek, Kirchenrecht und Reform (1975), p. 259; Müller, Untersuchungen (DATE?), p. 29-31.

An edition of the Collectio XXX capitulorum (De ratione matrimonii) is currently being prepared by Sven Meeder, Gideon de Jong, and Bruno Schalekamp.
