Bamberg, Staatsbibliothek, Msc.Can.9: Difference between revisions

From Clavis Canonum
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[[Category:Digitized Manuscript]]
digitized [[Category:Digitized Manuscripts]]
[[Category:Manuscript of TW]]
12p excerpts (very substantial ones) [[Category:Manuscripts of TW]]
[[Category:Manuscript saec XI]]  
saec. XI (12P part) [[Category:Manuscripts saec XI]]  
[[Category:Manuscript saec XII]]
saec. XII (other part) [[Category:Manuscripts saec XII]]
[[Category:Manuscript of Collectio XXX capitulorum]]
{{DEFAULTSORT:Bamberg, Staatsbibliothek, Msc.Can.00009}}

Latest revision as of 17:20, 15 August 2024

The manuscript is online

A composite manuscript. Part 1, by several hands of the twelfth century, contains the False Investiture privileges, the imperial version of the Papal Election Decree, the so-called De investitura regis tract (a miscellany on king doing penance), polemics of the investiture contest (Sigebert of Gembloux, Ivo of Chartres), and the Concordat of Worms, various polemics. Part 2, from the early eleventh century (Hoffmann, Märtl), contains excerpts of the second version of the Collectio duodecim partium. See the description by Märtl MGH Fontes iuris 13, 104-195: See also Müller, Untersuchungen, 29-31 (who seems to suggest an earlier date for Part 2 on p. 29 ("reicht ... ins 10./11. Jhd.") but p. 30 opts for a later date on palaeographical reasons ("vielleicht eher ins zweite Drittel des 11. Jhds. zu setzen"). Note that he refers to Part 1 as "zweiter Teil" and vice versa.