Tarragona, Biblioteca Pública, 35
Library | Tarragona, Biblioteca Pública |
Shelfmark | 35 |
Century | saec. XI |
European region of origin | Iberian Peninsula |
Collection | ? |
Digital Images | bvpb.mcu |
Description at | arca.irht.cnrs |
Main author | Christof Rolker |
Tarragona, Biblioteca Pública, Ms. 35 (late 11th century?) comes from Santes Creus in Coimbre in what is now Portugal.
The manuscript begins with an abbreviated version of the Liber decretorum of Burchard on fol. 1-132. This part is physically incomplete, with one leave today found in Paris, BnF, lat. 8922 according to Kéry, pp. 136 and 148; the abbreviation begins with c. 43 of the first book and contains roughly one third of Burchard's material. It contains the canons of Seligenstadt and has Italian features (Kéry, p. 148 citing Fransen).
On fol. 134v–146v there is a small canon law collection only known from this manuscript, the Collectio canonum I in Tarragona, PB, 35. On fol. 146v–162v is the Libellus contra invasores et symoniacos of Deusdedit, which would also be used for the second version of the Tarraconensis. On fol. 163r–167v is another brief collection, the Collectio canonum II in Tarragona, PB, 35. Both collections in the second part of the manuscript are related to the Tarraconensis.
- IRHT file (empty): https://arca.irht.cnrs.fr/ark:/63955/md35t722mt64
- digital images: https://bvpb.mcu.es/es/catalogo_imagenes/grupo.do?path=11000140
For the manuscript, see Gérard Fransen, Textes grégoriens dans un manuscrit espanol, ZRG Kan. 75 (1991), pp. 58–69.