Talk:Sankt Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 1398a.3

From Clavis Canonum
Latest comment: 18 February by Christof Rolker in topic The Codex was divided in 2004

The Codex was divided in 2004

According to e-codices the codex was devided into 14 new volumes with the shelfmarkes Cod. Sang. 1398a.1 - Cod. Sang. 1398a.14 in 2004. These are all digitized separately. Does it therefore make sense to split the article and create two new ones under the new shelfmarks containing the fragments described by Kéry on p. 144 and 185? JJakob (talk) 23:16, 17 February 2025 (CET)Reply[reply]

Thanks for the important observation. Splitting the article would only make sense if more than one of the new units was relevant; but as only no. 3 is relevant (Burchard and Ps.-Remigius), we treat this as a change of shelfmark. (Splitting no. 3 into two articles violates our princple to hav shelfmark-based articles, see Conventions on referencing manuscripts#What is a manuscript, anyhow?). I have thus moved the page, leaving a redirect behind. atb Christof Rolker (talk) 00:37, 18 February 2025 (CET)Reply[reply]