Saint Petersburg, Russian National Library, Q.v.II.4

From Clavis Canonum
Library Saint Petersburg, Russian National Library
Shelfmark Q.v.II.4
Century saec. XII1/2
European region of origin unknown
General region of origin France
Collection Panormia
Digital Images not online as of early 2025
Description at Panormia project
Main author Martin Brett

Saint Petersburg, Russian National Library, Ermit. lat. 25 is a copy of the Panormia (siglum: Sf).

France s. xii1 , in long lines. In library of Capuchin friars of Albi by s. xvii. ex Sukhtelen

Prologue fos 1-7v, Panormia fos 53-187 to 8. 136, with some adds; summaries at head of each book. Burchard's Corrector (187v-227v), Liber iuris Tubingensis (228-247v) follow


For a list of manuscripts and a provisional edition, see Brett, Panormia


Voronova/Vialova (1983) no. 248; Much information from D. Dumville (pers. comment to Brett). Ex insula lex ed. Matti Kilpiö and Leena Kahlas-Tarkka (Helsinki 2001) 74-5, with plate of opening of Bk. VIII as pl. 24 (p. 106), there said to be Italian s. xii2, but MG prefers S. France s. xii1. Szuromi (2014)