Paris, BnF, lat. 12097
From Clavis Canonum
Library | Paris, BnF |
Shelfmark | lat. 12097 |
Century | saec VI |
European region of origin | Southern France |
General region of origin | Southern Europe and Mediterranean |
Collection | Collectio Corbeiensis |
Digital Images | gallica.bnf |
Description at | archivesetmanuscrits.bnf |
Description at 2 | leges.uni-koeln |
CLA | CLA V 620 |
Bischoff number | 4728 on p. 182 |
Main author | Lotte Kéry |
The bulk of Paris, BnF, lat. 12097 was written in Southern France in the sixth or seventh centuries; only the first and the last quaternio (fols. "a" to "g" and 225r-232v, respectively) were added later. The codex was used by Schwartz for EOMIA (his Codex Corbeiensis or simply C).
It contains a large number of canon law (in the widest sense) texts, including most famously the only extant copy of the Collectio Corbeiensis on fol. 9r-92r. Mordek called the text fol. fol. 177v-178v the Collectio Corbeiensis systematica.
- Online:
- Description:
- Description (Mordek):
Kéry, Collection p. 48