Paris, BnF, lat. 12021
From Clavis Canonum
Library | Paris, BnF |
Shelfmark | lat. 12021 |
Century | saec. IX (Bischoff) |
European region of origin | Northern France |
Collection | Collectio Hibernensis |
Collection 2 | Collectio canonum in Paris, BnF, lat. 12021 |
Collection 3 | Lex Romana Visigothorum |
Digital Images | gallica.bnf |
Description at | |
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CLA | CLA V 617 |
Main author | Lotte Kéry |
This article on Paris, BnF, lat. 12021 is a stub. The contents of fol. 33-138 have been analysed by Maassen, Geschichte pp. 786-787 as a separate collection, but recent scholarship normally identifies fol. 33-127 as a copy of the Collectio Hibernensis.
At the very end (fol. 140-141), there is a fragment of the Lex Romana Visigothorum; another fragment of the same copy is now found in Paris, BnF, lat. 12238, fol. 128.
Note that the date and place of origin of the manuscript is controversial. CLA dates is saec. VII/VIII, but Bischoff argued for saec. IX3/4.
See Kéry, Collections pp. 73 and 171.