
From Clavis Canonum

Currently I am investigating ways to notify all users. In big and completely open wiki projects sending mass mails to all users is frowned upon (rightly so). But as we are a very small and close community, it might be useful for the admins to have a way to contact all (active) users. I have installed the MassMessage extension, which allows to place messages on pages, especially the talk pages of users. But there appears to be no straightforward way to create a recipient list of all users.

This MassMessage extension can be augmented by the MassMessageEmail extension (currently not activated) which sends mails to users instead of placing a note on their Talk page. But note: only users that have confirmed their email addresses in the preference section will receive mails. So this solution is not ideal.

Generally: notifications appear to be not very intrusive in the current theme. Sometimes a small message appears at the top of the page. Maybe we can enhance this? (But this concerns system notifications such as changes in pages in a user's watchlist etc., not individually designed notifications/newsletter style mass mails.)

Maybe there are different extensions or we'll have to find a completely different approach. Clemens Radl (talk) 20:12, 27 July 2022 (CEST)

Again, do not spend too much time on this issue. As we are a small community, simple mass emails will do. Also, I only today realized users have to confirm emails to receive auto-notifications. I will send a circular email arond soon. Christof Rolker (talk) 07:11, 28 July 2022 (CEST)--