München, BSB, Clm 12612
Library | München, BSB |
Shelfmark | Clm 12612 |
Century | ? |
European region of origin | unknown <-- manuscript cannot at present be categorized in one of our regions according to Categories for manuscripts by region. --> |
Collection | RA01 |
Collection 2 | RA02 |
München, BSB, Clm 12612 came to the Staatsbibliothek from the monastery of St. Pancratius at Ranshofen. It contains extracts from the writings of Bernold of Constance, and is, as Ian Stuart Robinson recognized, closely related to his circle. On fol. 118r–119v (RA01) are canons which are also found in the collections that Giorgio Picasso entitled Ambrosiana I and Ambrosiana II. They are in older cores of those collections, the surviving versions of the which have been augmented with excerpts from the Tripartita of Ivo of Chartres. See the descriptions of those collections above. A second block of texts, on fol. 120r–125v (RA02; see Collectio canonum II in Clm 12612), contains the first 54 canons [169] of the second version of the Tarraconensis. Only canons 25 and 31 of the series of texts in the Tarraconensis are missing in the Ranshofen manuscript. Rudolf Pokorny informed me that a group of texts from the collection of Regino of Prüm are found in this manuscript and that they are almost the same as can be found in the Ms Sankt Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek 676, which contains the Swabian recension of the 74T compiled by Bernold of Constance.
For the relationship to the above mentioned collections see Fowler-Magerl, Fine Distinctions, pp. 180 f. – For the manuscript itself see Märtl, Zum Brief Papst Urbans II, pp. 51–54 and n. 17. See also Doris Stöckly with the participation of Detlev Jasper, Bernold von Konstanz. De excommunicatis vitandis, de reconciliatione lapsorum et de fontibus iuris ecclesiastici (Libellus X) (MGH Fontes iuris germanici antiqui in usum scholarum separatim editi 15, Hanover 2000), pp. 20f. Also Somerville, Urban II., pp. 134 n. 235. – For the relationship to the circle of Bernold see Ian Stuart Robinson, Zur Arbeitsweise Bernolds von Konstanz und seines Kreises. Untersuchungen zum Schlettstädter Codex 13, DA 34 (1978), pp. 53, 59, 90. He sees a close relationship to the Schlettstadt copy of the Sinemuriensis.