La Seu d’Urgell, Biblioteca Capitular, 2006

From Clavis Canonum

La Seu d’Urgell, Biblioteca Capitular, 2006 on fol. 1ra-145ra copy of the Collectio Dionysio-Hadriana. It is dated saec IXex in the new catalogue, and saec. IX2/2 or saec. IXex by Tischler. The codex is physically incomplete (the first three quires and a large part of the last quire). The manuscript is not mentioned in the research on the Dionysio-Hadriana (Maassen, Mordek etc) but was known to Bischoff.



Bischoff, Katalog vol. 3 no. 5980; Catálogo de los manuscritos jurídicos de la Biblioteca Capitular de La Seu d'Urgell, ed. Paoloa Maffei et al. (2009); Tischler, Carolingian Canon Law