Koblenz, Landeshauptarchiv, 701, no. 759,7,3

From Clavis Canonum
Library Koblenz, Landeshauptarchiv
Shelfmark 701, no. 759,7,3
Olim shelfmark No. 61,7
Century saec. XII1/2
European region of origin unknown
Collection Panormia
Digital Images apertus.rlp.de
Description at Panormia project
Description at 2 Catalogue (via HSP)
Main author Martin Brett
Main author Christof Rolker

Koblenz, Landeshauptarchiv, 701, no. 759,7,3 is one double leave of a copy of the Panormia in two columns (saec. XII1/2). The fragment (Kb in Brett's edition) contains cc. 44-54 and 77-83 of book three.

Note that the various fragments in Koblenz, Landeshauptarchiv, 701, no. 759 are occasionally confused in the scholarly literature.


For a list of manuscripts and a provisional edition, see Brett, Panormia


Brommer, Kirchenrechtliche Sammlungen; Kéry, Collections p. 258; Overgaauw, Signaturengruppe Best. 701 Nr. 191-992 (2002 catalogue)