Fulda, Hessische Landesbibliothek, 100 D 24

From Clavis Canonum
Library Fulda, Hessische Landesbibliothek
Shelfmark 100 D 24
Century saec. XIII
European region of origin Northern Italy
Collection Liber Extra
Digital Images nbn-resolving
Description at fuldig.hs-fulda.de

This article on Fulda, Hessische Landesbibliothek, 100 D 24 is a stub. The manuscript is a copy of the Liber Extra, with additional materials in the first and last few folios. It is not a copy of Gratian, Concordia discordantium canonum, but contains an introduction (incipit In prima parte agitur) to Gratian.

Note that the library refers to this manuscript as "100 D 24" (nbn-resolving), while scholarly literature commonly cites it as "D 24".
