Firenze, BML, Conv. soppr. 91

From Clavis Canonum
Library Firenze, BML
Shelfmark Conv. soppr. 91
Century saec XII
European region of origin unknown <-- manuscript cannot at present be categorized in one of our regions according to Categories for manuscripts by region. -->
Collection CT
Collection 2 Collectio LXXIV titulorum
Main author Lotte Kéry

Olim Badia 2685.

This twelfth-century codex consists of two manuscripts joined together by chance.

MS 1 (according to H. Mordek and J. Gilchrist)

  • 19r-v: Alexander III, JL 13097 by another hand.

MS 2 (according to Gilchrist)

  • 21r: Calixtus II JL 7135

The version has its individual touch. C.1 is substituted with the Ps-Clemens decretal JK †11. One can find the same canon in other manuscripts of Collectio LXXIV titulorum (namely, Namur, Musée archéologique, 5 and Città del Vaticano, BAV, Vat. lat. 4160), but placed differently. Before c.188 the compiler inserted a (longer) version of the so-called Epistola Widonis on fol.73r.-79r. Note that Gilchrist several times changed his mind on whether a longer or a shorter version is the original form of the Epistola Widonis. Before c.189 the compiler inserted an additional c. Gregorius. Ut indigni et inperiti ad pastorale misterium accedere non presumant. Cc. 4,7, and 14 are each divided into two; cc. 254 and 255 are transported.

Non-digitized in July 2024.

See Kéry, p. 205