Firenze, BML, Ashburnham 53

From Clavis Canonum
Library Firenze, BML
Shelfmark Ashburnham 53
Century saec XII
European region of origin unknown <-- manuscript cannot at present be categorized in one of our regions according to Categories for manuscripts by region. -->
Collection Anselm of Lucca, Collectio canonum (A' version)
Collection 2 Collectio Tripartita
Main author Lotte Kéry

Firenze, BML, Ashburnham 53 on fol. 1-14vb it contains a fragment of the first part of the Collectio Tripartita (elsewhere described as excerpts from Pseudo-Isidore: Kéry, p. 106), followed by a copy of Anselm (A'). Brett describes the Tripartita fragment as follows:

The Preface, and [Tripartita A] 1. 1 - 20. 1, breaking off in mid-sentence on the first line of the verso of the leaf, leaving the rest of the column blank. On fo. 15ra the capitulatio for Anselm of Lucca Bk I begins in the same hand. The rubrics and capitulations for 1. 15 onwards were never inserted.

On fol. 136-146 the manuscript contains miracle stories and prayers by Gautier de Coinci.



Kéry, Collections pp. 106, 219