Collectio Sangermanensis in Paris, BnF, lat. 12098

From Clavis Canonum

The collection in Paris, BnF, lat. 12098, dubbed Sangermanensis by Schwartz (not to be confused with other Collectiones Sangermanenses), contains mainly materials in defense of the Three Chapters. Today, the only known copies are two ninth-century copies, Paris, BnF, lat. 12098 and Wien, ÖNB, Cod. 397; a manuscript at Beauvais according to Labbe and Baluze has been lost since. According to Baluze's notes, the Beauvais copy was closer to the Paris copy than the Vienna one.

The collection goes back to a lost letter collection which Cassiodor called the Codex Encyclius and the so-called Breviarium causae Nestorianorum et Eutychianorum of Liberatus of Carthage. As a third part, it also contains three items on Pelagianism and two papal letters (Gelasius JK 620 and Damasus JK 235. The last part of the collection contains more materials on the Three Chapter Controversy.

As Schwartz p. XX pointed out, part three is very different from the rest of the collection (focussing on Pelagianism, not the Three Chapters) and may draw on the Collectio Quesnelliana, otherwise not used by the Sangermanensis compiler. for this reason, he did not edit it.

For edition and analysis, see Schwartz ACO 5/2.