Città del Vaticano, BAV, Vat. lat. 5751
Library | Città del Vaticano, BAV |
Shelfmark | Vat. lat. 5751 |
Century | saec. IX |
European region of origin | Northern Italy |
General region of origin | Southern Europe and Mediterranean |
Collection | Collectio Dacheriana |
Collection 2 | Collectio Thessalonicensis |
Collection 3 | Epitome Hispana |
Collection 4 | Collectio canonum in Vat. lat. 5751 |
Digital Images | digi.vatlib |
Bischoff number | 6909, 6910, 6911 on p. 453 |
Main author | Lotte Kéry |
Città del Vaticano, BAV, Vat. lat. 5751 fol. 1-54 and Milano, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, G. 58 sup. fol. 41-64 are two fragments of a manuscript written in the ninth century (or around 900) perhaps at Bobbio. The first quaternio in Vat. lat. 5751 is misbound; it should be after fol. 31. On fol. 54v the Admonitio generalis breaks off in mid-sentence with end of the page; the text continues in fol. 41r
Vat. lat. 5751 fol. 1-54 contains the Collectio Dacheriana, penitential materials (and some canon law), a collection of Gallican canons, excerpts of the Epitome Hispana, more penitential and canon law, and the beginning of the Admonitio generalis; the Milan manuscript, fol. 41-64 contains the rest of the Admonitio and yet more penitential canons (plus a few genuine and forged conciliar canons).
Vat. lat. 5751 fol. 55-75 contains the Collectio Thessalonicensis, which is followed by three sermons (Gregory I, Augustine, Ps.-Augustine); this part of the Vatican codex has no obvious relation to the other part and may have originated independently of it.
The Milan ms on fol. 65-73 contains canons of a council of Nicholas I, a text on the marriage affair of Lothar II, an "Exempelsammlung mit 38 Exzerpten aus Pseudoisidor (Rezension A 2)" (Kaiser, p. 550; see here) and, by a new hand, a verse from the Bible followed by excerpts from Raban Maurus. This part of the Milan manuscript may have originated at the same time and place as the rest of the manuscript (Bobbio before or not long after 900).
The manuscript is available online:
See Kéry, Collections p. 41, 58, 91 and Wolfgang Kaiser, Zur Rekonstruktion einer vornehmlich bußrechtlichen Handschrift aus Bobbio (Hs. Vat. lat. 5751 ff. l-54v + Hs. Mailand, Bibl. Ambr. G. 58 sup. ff. 41r-64v), in: Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte: Kanonistische Abteilung 86 (2000), 538-553.